Saturday, October 31, 2009

6 Signs of Sex Addiction

6 Signs of Sex Addiction

Sex Addiction signs and Symptoms

Sex can be real problem for some people when sexual practices get out of control.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Addiction, Recovery, and Codependency in the Family | Drinking Problems Info

Addiction, Recovery, and Codependency in the Family | Drinking Problems Info



Many of us Peeps ("We the Peeps"!) from time to time write our gratitude lists in the posts. It is GooooD for me to read these, and to be reminded how important it is--to know and recognize that God is the constant Giver, and I, the undeserving receiver. I am SO grateful for SO many things which I take SO for granted.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

What Is Codependence? – A Room of Mama’s Own

What Is Codependence? –

A Room of Mama’s Own

..... But codependence (or codependency) is harder to define and to recognize. After all, codependents can seem, to themselves and others, like hapless victims, in the wrong place at the wrong time. Or they can be perceived (especially by the codependent) as doing good work rather than harm, because the harm they are doing is largely to themselves. But if addiction is an unhealthy attempt to escape trauma, codependence is an unhealthy attempt at damage control.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Healthy Sexuality in Recovery

Healthy Sexuality in Recovery

Every now and again I come across an academic article that expresses the philosophy of this site. This is one such article.

We need to hold the feelings and sensibilities, the shortcomings and limitations, of ourselves and our partner gently, with compassion and loving kindness.

Excerpt: Jane Velez-Mitchell's new book,

Excerpt: Jane Velez-Mitchell's new book, "iWant" -

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This is the story of my ch . . . ch . . . changes, which took me from insanity to clarity, from egocentricity to altruism, from alcoholism to activism. These changes have marked an evolution in what I want from this life.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Alcohol Self-Help News

Alcohol Self-Help News

these products can be addictive and we are taking action to tackle this risk

Alcohol Self-Help News

Alcohol Self-Help News

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FASDs are 100% preventable if a woman doesn’t drink alcohol while she is pregnant.

Learn more about the cause, signs, and treatments and what you can do if you think your child might have an FASD.

Longer AA Attendance Predicts Change

Longer AA Attendance Predicts Change

Alcohol Risk Factors Differ for Men and Women

Alcohol Risk Factors Differ for Men and Women

Women and men appear to have different genetic and environmental risk factors for alcoholism,

Characteristics of Adult Children of Alcoholics (ACOA’s)

Characteristics of Adult Children of Alcoholics (ACOAs)

ACOA’s maintain control of their feelings, their behavior, and try to control the feelings and behavior of others.

Problem Gambling?

Problem Gambling?

Problem gambling can be an addiction which causes disruptions in any major area of life: psychological, physical, social or vocational.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

AA’s Relapse Prevention

AA’s Relapse Prevention

Relapse prevention the Alcoholics Anonymous way is proactive action.

One form of these strategies is The AA Six Pack, which says;

  • Don’t Drink
  • Go to meetings
  • Ask for help
  • Get a sponsor
  • Join a home group
  • Get active (in the program)

Monday, October 5, 2009

Alcohol Abuse or Alcoholism?

Alcohol Abuse or Alcoholism?

Vaillant showed that “multiple alcohol-related problems result not from ingesting large amounts of alcohol but from being unable consistently to control when, where, and how much alcohol is consumed.”

A.B.C. of Recovery from Alcoholism

A.B.C. of Recovery from Alcoholism

Our description of the alcoholic, the chapter to the agnostic, and our personal adventures before and after make clear three pertinent ideas:

9 Steps to Humility

9 Steps to Humility

The Power of Humility

Recovery, for me, was not just getting sober. Recovery also involved finding a new spiritual philosophy.

A problem shared is a problem halved « Alcohol Self-Help News

A problem shared is a problem halved « Alcohol Self-Help News

Why does putting our feelings into words — talking with a therapist or friend, writing in a journal — help us to feel better” A new brain imaging study by UCLA psychologists reveals why verbalizing our feelings makes our sadness, anger and pain less intense.

Lesbians, Alcoholism & Depression

Lesbians, Alcoholism & Depression

The Co-Occurrence of Depression and Alcohol Dependence Symptoms in a Community Sample of Lesbians

Friday, October 2, 2009

15 Year old Alcoholic in AA

15 Year old Alcoholic in AA

My Name is Diane and I’m a 15 year old Alcoholic in AA

When I first came to Alcoholics Anonymous I couldn’t have been an alcoholic. It was impossible at the age of 14!

Binge Drinking & Brain Damage

Binge Drinking & Brain Damage

Binge drinkers have a higher risk of alcohol-related injury than chronic, heavy drinkers, the Health Behavior News Service reported Feb. 22.

Binge-drinking women who otherwise drink in moderation had seven times the risk of injury as nondrinkers, while binge-drinking men increased their injury risk sixfold.

Abstinence Solves Thinking Problems

Abstinence Solves Thinking Problems

A study of alcoholics who have abstained from drinking for between six months and 13 years concludes that sobriety can counteract most of the brain and thinking damage caused by heavy drinking,