XA-Speakers Tapes have 1,232 AA and other 12-Step related MP3 recordings.
XA – Speaker Tape Category
- AA - Alcoholics Anonymous -
» Speakers who identify as alcoholics - Al-Anon Family Groups -
» Speakers who identify as Al-Anons - NA - Narcotics Anonymous -
» Speakers who identify as drug addicts - CA - Cocaine Anonymous -
» Speakers who identify as cocaine addicts - OA - Overeaters Anonymous -
» Speakers that identify as overeaters - GSA - GreySheeters Anonymous -
» Speakers who identify as compulsive overeaters - CDA - Chemically Dependent Anonymous -
» Speakers who identify as chemically dependant
AA Primary Purpose Speaker Tapes
All AA speaker tapes are now in MP3 format. Thy can be played with Windows Media Player, I-Tunes, or the software of your choice.
Includes AA Cofounders and other AA Pioneers
Miami Valley AA Al-anon Winter Conferences 1999 through 2006