Sunday, May 16, 2010

50 Reasons Men Have Sex

50 Reasons Men Have Sex

When drinking or drugging one has sex, uses sex and does sex for various OK or not so OK reasons.

Recovery from alcoholism/addiction may increase sexuality and desire.

This list can help you decide why you had sex, and why you may have sex in the future.

Friday, May 14, 2010

What is Self-forgiveness?

Pop!Tech 2008 - Laura Waters Hinson

Self-forgiving is:

  • Accepting yourself as a human who has faults and makes mistakes.
  • Letting go of self anger for your past failures, errors, and mistakes.
  • No longer needing penance, sorrow, and regret over a grievous, self-inflicted, personal offense.

Posted via web from Recovery Is Sexy's posterous

Sunday, May 2, 2010

10 Alcoholic Myths

10 Alcoholic Myths

The alcoholic denies there is a problem in many statements to themselves and others.

At Last The Perfect Relationship!

At Last The Perfect Relationship!

“Tom, I’ve spent years and years looking for that ideal relationship. I searched for someone I could trust, and who would trust me.

Constipation in Recovery

Constipation in Recovery

People in recovery from alcoholism, addiction and codependency face a host of potential causes of constipation,

12 Steps for a Sponsor

12 Steps for a Sponsor

These can be applied to all 12-Step anonymous fellowships such as Al-anon, Alateen, Gamblers Anonymous, Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous etc

What is Sexual Addiction?

What is Sexual Addiction?

This study analyzed the sexual patterns and dynamics of 30 men who presented to one clinician between 2005 and 2009.

Letting Go of Shame

Letting Go of Shame

Often those of us who live or have lived with someone else’s problem drinking either blame ourselves or the drinker. “If I were a better spouse, he wouldn’t be drinking.” “If she really loved me, she would have kept her promise and given up the alcohol.”

Letting Go is Love

Letting Go is Love

To let go does not mean to stop caring, it means I can’t do it for someone else.

Chemical Dependency and the Family

Chemical Dependency and the Family

Benefits of Recovery

Benefits of Recovery

There are two benefits from recovery: we have short-term gains and long-term gains.

The short-term gains are the things we can do today that help us feel better immediately.