Monday, November 30, 2009
World AIDS Day 1st December
World AIDS Day raises awareness in the community about HIV/AIDS, and the need to support and understand those living with HIV/AIDS. The day also promotes the importance and need for education/prevention initiatives. Services such as Needle Exchange Programs (NSP) assist in preventing the spread of blood borne viruses such as HIV/AIDS, hepatitis B and C. ...
Note: Cross posted from Recovery Is
A Sick Cycle of Dependency
A Sick Cycle of Dependency
Being dependent on others almost comes natural when we are in a state of confusion.
We seek others opinions, beliefs, and advice. What others say, if we place them in a position of authority, becomes “The Word.”
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Look to this day
Recovering members of 12-Step fellowships may find this proverb similar to our Just for Today principles.
Sanskrit Proverb
Look to this day
This very life of life
In its brief course lie all ...
Beyond Roses and Chocolates
Beyond Roses and Chocolates
Our partners can be remarkably out of touch with understanding what gets us in the mood. Instead of limiting seduction to fancy dinners, suggest that physical intimacy on any given night is more likely if:
Saturday, November 28, 2009
At Last The Perfect Relationship!
Overheard at an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting, this 12th-step conversation between sponsor and newcomer:
"Tom, I've spent years and years looking for that ideal relationship. I searched for someone I could trust, and who would trust me....
Note: Cross posted from Recovery Is
Coping With Alcoholism / Addiction in the Family
Try to adopt the following approaches to your alcoholic / addict;
1. Try to learn the facts about alcoholism and other drug addiction. Keep an open mind.
2. Recognize addiction for what it is-a disease of the body, mind, behavior, and spirit from which people can and do recover. Like other diseases, nobody really intends to get it or wish it upon their loved ones once they have it. Try to remember that the alcoholic / addict in your family isn't doing this at you. This is a disease beyond will power....
Note: Cross posted from Recovery Is
World Federation Against Drugs
The World Federation Against Drugs (WFAD) is a multilateral community of non-governmental organisations and individuals. Founded in 2009, the aim of WFAD is to work for a drug-free world. The members of the WFAD share a common concern that illicit drug use is undercutting traditional values and threatening the existence of stable families, communities, and government institutions throughout the world....
Psychology of Children with Alcoholic Fathers
Women's Sexual Fantasies
Top 10 Women's Sexual Fantasies
Women in recovery may identify with some of these fantasies. Others may have experienced them in their drinking / drugging days.
Every woman on earth has fantasized about some explicit sexual fantasy that she may or may not have been too ashamed to talk about. Whether it's your girlfriend or your wife, this top ten list is sure to touch on a forbidden fantasy of her own....
Note: Cross posted from Recovery Is
Friday, November 27, 2009
Dysfunction Fantasies
Dysfunction people have many beliefs. Not all of these are in one person but if there is a great many then that person may be dysfunctional.
Alcoholics, addicts, codependents and Adult Children of Alcoholics (ACOA’s) may identify with these.
Al-Anon Helps Members Reach beyond their Fears
Those who live with alcoholism often live in fear: fear of abuse, fear of anger, fear of trusting others.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
The Art of Living
The art of living lies not in eliminating but in growing with troubles.
-- Bernard M. Baruch
Naturally, we wish to avoid pain and difficulty, but life experience and a measure of reflection show us that most of what comes our way is beyond our control. We'll never outwit all the possibilities for trouble, even if we live to be 100 years old. We have often failed to learn from trouble because we cast ourselves in the roles of passive men and victims. We pointed outside ourselves and said, "Look at what is happening to poor me!" ...
Note: Cross posted from Recovery Is
The Sexual G-spot, Male and Female
MP3 Recovery Tracks for Lesbians in Alcoholics Anonymous
MP3 recovery tracks for lesbians in Alcoholics Anonymous at XA Speaker site.
Click on the link to go to a description of the track.
Or see link at bottom for XA Speaker home page.
NB: Some MP3 tracks may include gay and bisexual recovery stories....
Note: Cross posted from Recovery Is
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Alcoholic Beverages Containing Caffeine
FDA to Evaluate Safety and Legality of Alcoholic Beverages Containing Caffeine
“The increasing popularity of consumption of caffeinated alcoholic beverages by college students and reports of potential health and safety issues necessitates that we look seriously at the scientific evidence as soon as possible.” -- Dr. Joshua Sharfstein, Principal Deputy Commissioner of Food and Drugs, FD...
Note: Cross posted from Alcohol Self-Help News.Permalink
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) started in 1935 in Akron, Ohio, USA as a result of the meeting between a New York stockbroker and an Akron surgeon who were both hopeless alcoholics.
They realized that alcoholism was a disease that could be treated by a system of applying spiritual values to daily living.
Both men began working with themselves and with other alcoholics.
In four years, there were three groups and 100 sober alcoholics.
In 1939, based on their experiences (both the failures and the successes), the fellowship published its basic textbook, Alcoholics Anonymous, describing the AA philosophy and methods, and establishing the Twelve Steps. This book has been in continuous publication since then. Although it has been revised and updated, the Twelve Steps have remained the core, touching the lives of a countless number of people around the world.
Shortly after the founding of AA, the families and friends of alcoholics banded together to form AL-ANON, an organization that teaches the Twelve Steps to individuals who are most affected by the alcoholics in their lives.
Since then, other groups have adopted the AA philosophy and successfully applied it to many problems.
There are, for example, Twelve Step groups addressing
- drug abuse (such as Narcotics Anonymous, Cocaine Anonymous, Crystal Meth Anonymous),
- support for substance abusers’ family and friends (such as AL-ANON, ALATEEN, NARANON, Co-dependents Anonymous),
- other addictive problems (such as Debtors Anonymous, Gamblers Anonymous, Workaholics Anonymous, Eating Addictions Anonymous, and Overeaters Anonymous),
- relationship issues (such as Incest Survivors Anonymous, Relationships Anonymous, and Parents Anonymous), as well as
- mental health issues (such as Obsessive-Compulsive Anonymous, and Emotions Anonymous).
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
11 Ways to Detect and Solve Internet Addiction
11 Ways to Detect and Solve Internet Addiction
People in recovery are always in danger of switching addictions from alcohol, drugs, gambling or co-dependency. This article may help if one follows the tips before a real addiction develops.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Better Oral Sex
Many people in recovery from alcoholism, addiction, gambling and co-dependency may be exploring their sexuality from a new perspective. Safer and more enjoyable oral sex can be an exciting experience.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Friday, November 13, 2009
Risky Partners and Domestic Violence
Risky Partners and Domestic Violence
Specific characteristics of male partners, relationships and women’s mental health are significantly related to exposure to intimate partner violence in the past year. Identification of these indicators has implications for the clinical care of women who present to health care settings.
Alcohol Reduces Birth Rates « Alcohol Self-Help News
Alcohol Reduces Birth Rates «
Alcohol Self-Help News
Study lead author Brooke Rossi, M.D., of Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston said the research showed that even moderate drinking could impair IVF.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Am I an Alcoholic? – questionnaire. « Alcohol Self-Help News
Am I an Alcoholic? – questionnaire. « Alcohol Self-Help News
The AUDIT was developed under the auspices of the World Health Organization and has become the main instrument used to identify ‘at-risk’, problem, and alcoholic drinkers.
Dance & Humor for Recovery
Dance & Humor for Recovery
I like to watch comedy too. I think that joy and laughter is very healing. There is a book and a movie called “The Anatomy of an Illness”. In that story the author explains how joy healed him when nothing else could.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Poll: Is recovery from alcoholism / addiction sexy?
What is your experience with people in recovery from alcoholism, addiction, codependency, and ACOA.
Were they sexy when practicing their dysfunctional behaviour?
Have they become more attractive since being in recovery?
Cast your vote in this poll.
Surrender to Win
“Before A.A., I could not, or would not, admit I was wrong. My pride would not let me. And yet I was ashamed of me.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
AA and Spirituality
Given its prominence in Alcoholics Anonymous and related Twelve-Step groups, spirituality plays an important role in the rehabilitation of many substance-dependent people.
Depression & 12-Step Programs
Major depression in patients with substance use disorders: Relationship to 12-Step self-help involvement and substance use outcomes.
Narcotics Anonymous
We are recovering addicts who meet regularly to help each other to stay clean. There are no dues or fees. The only requirement for membership is the desire to stop using.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Friday, November 6, 2009
Recovery from Alcoholism
The number 13 represents bad luck for some people, but for Floyd McCrory of Rockville, Md., it’s a sign of continuing good fortune.
This year, he celebrates 13 years of sobriety.
“Best thing I ever did,” he said about quitting drinking. “It turned my whole life around.”
Addiction Beyond Substances | Self Growth Engine
Bored? Masturbation. Angry? Masturbation. Sad? Masturbation. Stressed? Masturbation. I went from being the first of my class to the very bottom, until I dropped out for good.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Alcoholic and Codependent Games
Dual Personality – Person who can change “hats” at the drop of a dime, between portraying a rational person and the other one irrational. It’s like living with Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Seven reasons I drank
For the alcoholic there are only seven reasons to drink:
23rd Psalm for Recovery
The Lord is my sponsor, I shall not want.
He makes me to go to many meetings.